Quitting Smoking: How Much Money Could You Save and How to Kick the Habit Successfully

In recent years, smoking has dropped to an all-time low, with only 11% of US adults currently cigarette smokers. This is a significant drop from the early 1940s when half of all adults smoked cigarettes. However, cigarette smoking remains a leading cause of preventable death and disability in the US, affecting smokers and non-smokers through second-hand smoke.

In addition to health problems, smoking is an expensive habit. In this article, we’ll explore the costs of smoking, how much money smokers can potentially save, and how smokers can kick the habit.

How much does smoking cost?

The average cost of a pack of cigarettes in the US is $8.00, which significantly varies depending on the state. The cheapest cigarettes cost around $6.11 in Missouri, whereas the most expensive can be bought for $11.96 in New York. These prices are mainly due to more than half of the states increasing the tax rates on cigarettes since 2012. If a smoker regularly uses a pack daily, this totals approximately $240 monthly or $2,880 yearly, or $28,800 in a decade.

The cost of cigarettes is not the only expense. As smokers are at higher risk for diseases, they also have other heavy expenditures, including more expensive health insurance coverage, career limitations, and healthcare.

Cost of smoking on the US economy

Not only is smoking detrimental to personal finance, but it can also negatively impact the US economy. Reports from 2022 show that smoking costs the US almost $900 billion a year, which is almost 10 times the cigarette industry’s $92 billion revenue. Lisa Lacasse, president of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, noted that the states with the highest economic loss also have the weakest tobacco policies. This makes it harder for those in these states to break the habit.

How much can money can you save by quitting?

Regardless of age or how long someone has been smoking, quitting is the best way to save money. Smokers significantly cut out the costs of cigarettes and healthcare while saving on other potential damages caused by smoking, like furniture burns. Overall, smokers can save nearly an average out-of-pocket cost of $148,000 over a lifetime when they quit.

How to kick the habit of smoking

Quitting is no easy task for any smoker, so it’s important for them to prepare before committing to living smoke-free. One of the biggest challenges of quitting is its withdrawal symptoms, which is why many health experts recommend engaging in nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Through NRT products like nicotine pouches, gum, and lozenges, smokers can wean off nicotine while reducing the severity of their cravings.

As listed on Prilla, On! nicotine pouches are known to be very affordable at $3.49 per can and can be shipped relatively fast. There are also plenty of bundle deals— their Mixpack offers the brand’s bestselling flavors for just $15.90, allowing first-timers to find their favorites for future purchases. Other options smokers can use are Nicorette’s gum and lozenges, both used orally and with lower nicotine levels to help quit smoking. The gum usually costs around $17 for 20 sticks, while 20 lozenges cost around $12 in online stores.

Utilize support systems

Aside from NRT, smokers should also use support systems to get through the challenges of quitting. It helps them to have a family member, a friend, or a support group member engage in activities, allowing them to overcome potential cravings. If these symptoms become too difficult, it’s best to consult a professional therapist for better support and counseling. They can provide advice to address the root causes of smoking and provide techniques to quit smoking altogether.

For more ways to save, visit our Saving Tips category for more information.